who give a shit.jpeg

june 30, 2023

"this was drawn on father's day (june 18th) of 2023, but i found it to be so boring, that i have not, until now, bothered to do anything with it. honestly, it was more of an exercise in practicing comics than it was any genuine kind of reflection.

the handwriting is awful and near-illegible, but this is fine because i don't expect anyone to actually read it. the contents of the premise are barely fit to be a tweet one would scan through quickly and then scroll past. like every single daily comics strip, this exists only as autobiographical, innoffensive, mediocre background noise. but that is the backbone of the internet. by existing, it elevates anything with actual meaning above itself. i think we can all agree that eyeball-glazing, banal, lintball comics such as this one makes the good ones way better!

so, congratulations to me for digging through my own rectum to find a reason to justify wasting effort on this nothing-burger. a round of applause, please. thank you."

that was my hand-to-god own reaction to this thing i made after i finally bothered to pull out my phone and take a picture of it. i am fully aware that this type of self-hating negativity is 1. not funny to anybody 2. deeply uncomfortable to read. but not in, like, a challenging way. it's just uncomfortable. why are you shitting all over yourself, man? in front of me??

answer is simple. i don't care lol. do i think people should curate their thoughts and feelings before deciding what to put on the internet? yes. absolutely. do i get fucking tired of doing it? yes. definitely.

you see, i have a brain disease called "mother fucker" or better known as "idiot," and it makes me say stupid things. sometimes, i just want to tell you my honest-to-god opinion about the thing i made without filtering it through the ten billion fucking layers of what is considered polite and appropriate conduct for social media. but, hold your fucking horses, this isn't social media. this is my website where i can put anything my little heart desires. and today, i desire to let you see the ugliness of my insides. wasn't that refreshing?

or maybe it was just pointless and i'm venting because i'm upset today. who knows. who cares. i don't.

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take me away from here.