the stuff on this website
this is a collection of all the pages that are on this website, and a little bit of text explaining what each page is so you can figure out for yourself if you want to look at it.
angels? [WIP]
a page where i talk about angels and show you some stuff about them.
my favorite artists
a list of artists whose work sticks in my head and stands out as being uniquely inspiring to me.
azrael, my first angel
the story behind my first angel oc and my own personal fascination with the creatures.
writing / blog
a place to put the stuff i write that doesn't really belong anywhere because it's usually just whatever's on my mind at the time. reading everything in order will give you tonal whiplash strong enough to cause a neck injury, so just keep that in mind.
comics i don't want to put anywhere else. they're overly personal to the point of being uncomfortable. don't recommend tbh.
very light blogging about the music i like.
rambling a bit about cooking, while offering some advice to people who suck at cooking or are new to it.
stuff i want to put here eventually:
- pages for my cats
different bgs for every pagea blog maybe?favorite artist pageprose page- fursona background story page
- oc pages for my angel ocs
- backlog of site updates (not necessary currently)